St. Paul's School, Phalodi

Saint Paul's School, Phalodi

Co-Educational Secondary School Affiliated to C.B.S.E, India
Affiliation No. 1731015, School No. 11485
Affiliation Validity Till 31.03.2027

  Admission & Withdrawal

Admission is open to all students irrespective of Caste, Creed or Community.

  1. Age for class L.K.G. is between 3 years to 5 years and correspondingly for higher classes (as on 31st March of the preceding academic year to which admission is sought).

  2. A boy or girl who joins fresh from home has to produce an official Birth Certificate issued under the Registration of Birth & Death Act, 1969 in support of the date of birth that is entered in the Admission Form.

  3. A boy/girl who has attended any recognized school will not be admitted without a school leaving certificate and the Progress Report of the last class from the previous School.

  4. A calendar month's notice is to be given before the withdrawal of a student. Such notice should be given in writing by the person responsible for the pupil and not by the pupil himself/herself. Those who leave in Mid Session must pay their full fees for the session.

  5. The Principal reserves the right to Admission.

  6. No School Leaving Certificate is given until all sums due to the school have been cleared.

  7. Spelling of name of Student/Mother/Father/Guardian should be as is recorded in the Birth Certificate and maintained as per Admission and Withdrawal Register by the school.

  8. Date of Birth is as per the Birth Certificate and as per Admission and Withdrawal Register maintained by the school.

  9. Expanded name of student and Mother/Father/Guardian should be given by the student/parents. No abbreviations be given.

  10. Parents may check that their data is similar in all the documents like Date of Birth Certificate, School records, Aadhaar Card and Passport etc.

  11. Parent will anticipate the requirement of the surname as when visiting abroad, it may be required by the visiting country to have both name and surname. Hence, surname be mentioned in the data along with first name.

  12. Mother’s name should as known after marriage.

  13. No nick/pet name be mentioned.

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